-I‘ve shared this before. Doing it again.
I wanted to start fitness coaching for a long time. I put it off and sort of gave up for a good while. Years ago now, I emailed a guy I trust asking what career field he thought it wise to get into, and he was like “What happened to the personal training thing?” I replied with what I thought were good reasons. He told me that those weren’t good reasons, actually, and that my real problem was that I didn’t believe I could actually do it. That did something weird in my mind. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I started and am never looking back. Let this do the same for you: I know what’s likely happening for you: you don’t start because you think you won’t succeed. But you absolutely will.
-Only a few things in life that are good happen quickly. Reaching a fitness goal definitely is not one of them. Ignore the greedy scammers who advertise quick fixes and accept the reality that this takes a while. Settle in for the long game. It’s not easy. It’s not quick. But it is worth it. You will do this.
-Along the way, failures will happen. Your co-worker will definitely bring in her special red velvet, and you will give up on hitting your calories faster than Luke lost a limb. You will be exhausted one day (or a few), skip the gym, and make excuses for why you did that. None of this means you won’t reach your goal. You will (see a theme?)It just means you messed up this time. If you make a mistake at work, do you quit your job? No, because you need money. Well, you need health and fitness too. Don’t quit. You will do this.
If you have questions, I’d love to answer them.