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The Time Coach

Learn to spend your time on what matters to you, and go to bed at night feeling accomplished instead of stressed

I teach people how to spend their time on the things they value using plans that change as they do.

  • Do you feel like you're always behind and like you're trying to dig out or catch up?


  • Does it seem like you're wasting time because you forget things or don't plan ahead?


  • Do you have more or new responsibilities because of a job change or a new business, relationship, or child, and your level of organization isn't working anymore?


  • Do you feel overwhelmed, stuck, or paralyzed by all there is to do, and don't know where to start?


  • can you only manage to get things done at a breakneck speed at the last possible minute, throwing you into a repeating cycle of burnout and recovery?


If you thought "yes" to any (or all) of those, then this is the place for you.

People are busy. But if they could just put a few systems in place, they'd be amazed at how different things could look. I LOVE helping people learn how to spend their time on the things that matter to them, and the results are spelled out in the testimonials of both my time management and my past fitness clients (from when I was an online fitness coach with a focus on time management) below!

Braden Mabry

Excellent course! Brandon really knew what he was talking about and was able to answer all of my weird, out-of-nowhere questions! I've already noticed an improvement in what I get done just by having a schedule where I know when I'm supposed to be doing what! Can't recommend enough!



  1. Read through the two options below and decide if you'd like the "Your Path To Time Management" course, or just want some 1-1 help with a phone call. 

  2. Once you've decided, simply click the "Get Started Now" button under the package you're interested in.

  3. From there:

    1. If you choose the course, I get notified, and I send you an email with everything you need!

    2. If you choose the 1-1 coaching, you'll be taken to a calendar where you'll schedule our call. Once you schedule that with just a few clicks, a form will appear for you to complete with information about yourself. I'll send a payment request as soon as I see the appointment appear on my calendar. Before our call, I will review that form you've completed, and be able to steer the discussion efficiently since I will have all of the information up front. On our call, we will talk through your values, responsibilities, goals, and obstacles, and we will get you set on the right path!


Your Path To Time Management Success






(This rate is only in effect until the end of June in exchange for honest testimonials and feedback.)

A program that teaches a flexible system for sustainable time management.

  • A "go at your own pace" five module course that teaches you exactly how to build a time-blocked schedule that works for ANY kind of life


  • A 30 minute 1-1 call once you've gone through the material to troublsehoot and apply things to your specific situation


  • Access to a private Facebook group for continued accountability and assistance.


  • Note: This is a program to teach you how to spend your time on the things you value using a system that changes and adapts as you do. It is NOT life coaching, and it does NOT tell you what to prioritize in your life. It's time management coaching. 

1-1 Online Coaching 






An up to one-hour call where we dig deep into the specifics of your situation and get you on the right path. 




(Half-price on these calls for those who have been through the Your Path To Time Management Success course)



  • This is for those who have either already gone/are already going through the course and would like some additional personalized help, or those who just need a little help shifting to a new season of life or adapting their system. 


Brandon Woodruff

Over the five years I spent fitness coaching, I realized that the majority of people I worked with didn’t really have an issue with what to do fitness wise.


Yes, they needed a program to follow, motivation, accountability, coaching form, etc, but they got most of that over the course of a few short months of us working together. 


The problem most people really have is a time-management one. They create a plan to make progress in some area of life, but then other things steal the time, and they stay stuck. In a vocation where I literally saw what a person ate all day, talked through their struggles every week, etc, I’ve come to really be able to understand how other people actually live their lives, and how different it could look if they put a few strategies in place. 


I’m a time-management junkie myself, I'm a coach, and I have created systems that can help ANYONE learn to spend their time on the things they value using plans that change as they and their lives do. I can wait to help you!

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