I’ve been doing more video than writing lately, but here’s a short one I want to get out there.
If you’re looking for template workout programs online, I want you to be aware of something:
Because of the very “cut and paste” nature of template programs, they have to be written for an “avatar” who’s kind of an average of everyone. Kind of like a teacher grading tests on a curve.
Templates, by definition, cannot be individualized because they’re made for a large group of people.
The weakness here, of course, is that they can’t take the specifics of your situation into consideration.
They can’t find a way to program the plan around your scoliosis or elbow tendinitis.
They can’t sub leg presses out for squats because you currently have too much fat in the stomach area to hit proper depth on a squat.
They can’t help you plan for the days where you’re too depressed or anxious to go to the gym, and they can’t tell you how to adjust when your overhead press stalls before the rest of the lifts.
They go to the middle of the bell curve. And nobody is in the middle on everything.
This is why I’ll happily give out programs or suggestions when people ask; because that’s not what I charge people for. I charge to actually coach them. The value in coaching is to help them get their form right, take consistent, realistic steps, manage their time so they can spend it on what they value, etc.
Programs can be good, especially for most beginners, but just recognize their strengths and weaknesses. No program is perfect for everyone, so don’t allow yourself to give up if you’ve given one a try and didn’t stick to it for one reason or another. They’re templates, not customized plans.
If you could use something more customized to you, let me know and we can chat about what that could look like.