I’d like to highlight something for you. Can you guess which of these posts about ginger water I like?
Right. The “Medical Medium” one that doesn’t have the picture. Why? Because it gives practical info on some things ginger water can help some people with, and it goes into some detail on it. It doesn’t use weird buzz words, just gives you the info. This is what to look for in a fitness post written by a person who knows what they’re talking about.
Now, let’s look at the “Healthy Holistic Living” one:
Buzzwords? 👍 “extra edge” “new twist”.
Bad info? 💯 “lose weight”.
Lack of explanation? 👏🏻 lose weight how, Holistic guru?
No I didn’t read the article. Because that’s not the point. The point is that most people will just go with what they see here because we are inundated with info and we skim.
I beg you, stop falling for these things and spinning your wheels. Losing body fat isn’t about finding some witch’s brew of foods. It’s about being in a consistent calorie deficit. Can some foods HELP? Yes. But to throw something out like this is lazy at best and shady and dishonest at worst.
Reach out with questions, and if you think an online coach may be helpful, I’m happy to have that conversation as well!