This morning, I made pancakes for my family. This is a Saturday tradition for us, and everyone looks forward to it every week.
This is the first weekend I’ve done it in probably two months.
I want you to understand something. You struggle with your fitness, you feel like you can never make time to make a plan to eat well or to get a workout in. Then you feel like a failure, and you look at people like me who seem to pursue their fitness so effortlessly.
But what you don’t see are all the other things that I struggle to be consistent with. Like pancake Saturday’s. Like taking my wife out on dates. Like keeping various house projects from piling up.
You see, we all have these things we are good at keeping up, and those that we aren’t. It’s just that some of them are more apparent than others. And if you don’t think you have any you’re good at, listen, let’s get on the phone for 5 minutes and I’ll bet I can give you 5 to write down and remember that you accomplish every day. Many of which I probably don’t.
So the next time you’re down on yourself for not getting your workouts in or eating well and decide to compare yourself to someone else who did, remember that you very likely are excelling at something that that person is constantly tanking at. Then use that for motivation to choose one fitness related step, no matter how small, and crush it until it, too, is habit. Then add another.