Hey! If you’re a little over a week into pursuing your fitness goals and it isn’t going well, please, take one minute to read this.
You need to make progress, not be perfect.
Going after perfection is great until we fall just a little behind, and then it’s awful and paralyzing because we feel we’ve failed, and failure is demotivating.
Instead, find the things that you’ve done well, even if it’s literally getting one workout in or making one different choice when it comes to your eating.
Got it? Now, celebrate that just a little, and let it spur you on to do just a little more.
We don’t jump up entire staircases because we’d break our faces, we take one or two steps at a time. So why do we try to jump the whole staircase at once in our fitness? Why do we treat this differently?
Take a step. Gather yourself. Be glad and proud you did it.
Then take another.
I want this to be the year that you do this. And if I can catch you while you’re thinking about fitness and help you make it stick, well, then I’m doing my job.