It’s what everyone both wants and forgets. Follow along with me on an all too common progression here:
Nicki goes to the doctor and is told that if she doesn’t lose weight, then she will likely be diabetic very shortly.
Rick wants to play with his kids outside more, but avoids it because he knows he gets winded so quickly.
Take either of these scenarios, or substitute one that applies to you and makes you decide to pursue weight loss.
Got it? Alright, so what happens next?
Well, maybe a few things. You might go to the fittest person in your life (if they’re someone you like) and ask advice. You might turn to google for “fast weight loss strategy” or something similar. You might go to the gym you drive past every day and get a membership. But what will you likely not ask?
“Is this method sustainable?” Or, put another way, “”Do I want to do this forever?”
In a world of detox teas, 30-day challenges, fat burners, and juice cleanses, people miss the most important question.
Do you want a car that will only last you a year? How about a friend that only hangs out with you until they find someone they like more? Maybe a job that you only get to keep until they find a way to automate what you do?
In almost no other area of life do we intentionally seek things that we don’t want to do long term. Except our health and fitness.
People are sometimes impressed that I can avoid gaining body fat as I age, but the key, aside from working out consistently, is simply that I’ve found a way of eating that works for my goals and that I can do forever enjoyably.
So stop cutting out entire macronutrients, wasting your money on detox teas, and signing up with people who tell you you’ll reach your goals in certain time period while having no understanding of your life from which to say it.
You’ve made the decision to get rolling on this weight loss journey? That’s awesome! Let the first question you ask be “What can I commit to right now that I can likely stick to long term?” I think you’ll find that you have a lot more success with a sensible eating strategy or workout plan that fits your schedule and tastes than Becky Basura’s 30-Day Guaranteed Fat Loss Juice Cleanse Detox Plank Challenge.