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Be Busier and Make More Fitness Progress

Writer: Brandon WoodruffBrandon Woodruff

Every post I put out will attack one of the three villains that prevent fitness progress (Confusion, Inconsistency, and Complacency). With this one, I’m attempting to deliver a crushing blow to INCONSISTENCY with a potential way to be more CONSISTENT.

Now, I know that when you read that headline, you probably thought I’ve caught a case of early-onset dementia since most of our lives are insanely busy already, but let me explain.

From the time I get up to the time I go to bed, I’m on the move. This is not some noble thing that should be praised, it’s just how I’m wired and can sometimes even be a hindrance (but usually is an advantage).

Now, when I say that I’m “busy,” I don’t mean that I’m just doing things. I’m not just trying to make it through another work day and get closer to the weekend. I mean that I’m doing things that I believe are important. I’m pushing hard for this. I’m building something.

And while I’m building it, I’m just trying to use food as my fuel. I structure my dinner to be my “pleasure food” time. The rest of the time, I’m just trying to hit my numbers in whatever way I can because I barely taste it anyway.

Now, you may be thinking, “That’s you though. For me, busyness makes this more difficult because I can’t prep food and I just grab whatever is convenient.”

To that, I say that you simply need to be willing to try things you haven’t yet. Fast food, breakfast cereal, and frozen pizzas (though delicious) are not your only options here.

Let me share a typical day of my eating with you:

I get up and have a protein shake (protein powder, milk, frozen bananas, blended together), an apple, and some toast with butter.

For lunch, it’s usually some tuna or leftover meat, veggies of some sort, and a carb like chips.

Between lunch and dinner is my heaviest snacking period. It’s usually things like fruits I can eat on the go, cheese, glasses of milk with something sweet (which is no problem because most of the other snacks are lower calorie), and another protein shake.

Dinner is when I usually sit down with my family and have something delicious that I take time to savor, which my wife makes easy with her SUCCULENT recipes.

I’ve been working out after dinner lately, so I usually have another glass of milk and something else before bed.

Maybe you don’t like or can’t eat some, or even a lot, of the foods I listed there. Fortunately, there are thousands of other foods to choose from that can get you to similar numbers.

Here is my challenge to you, and I know that it goes a bit deeper than fitness, but it usually does, right?

Audit your time. Seriously, on paper, Google doc, note app, whatever gets your dopamine flowing, write out how you actually spend your time. Literally time block it and see where your time goes.

“I get ready for work from 7:00am-7:45am.”

“I drive to work from 7:45am-8:00am”

“I check way too many emails and try to wake up from 8:00am-8:30am.”

Like that.

Then, circle the times when you are most prone to eat in a way that is not conducive to your goals, paying attention to what you’re actually doing during these times.

Is it when you’re relaxing and watching TV?

Is it when you’re not that busy at work?

Is it at lunch when you get pressured to go out and eat?

Guess what will help with any of those? Being busy with something you believe in and actually want to be doing.

We eat when we’re bored. It’s not the only time, but it’s a big one. On my one rest day each week, I always eat more than the other 6 days. Because I’m not busy.

So, if you’re like the majority of people, you actually have more time on your hands than you think, and you just may need to fill it with something that matters to you. Something like starting a side hustle with something you believe in, talking with people you care about, learning something new, or working to help right some injustice in the world.

And if your time is legitimately already full of these kinds of things and you’re still struggling, you just may need to be willing to open up your food choices a bit. To structure a time when you really enjoy the food, and let the rest of the time be eating just for fuel and goals. Everything doesn’t have to be delicious, break that mindset.

And if you need someone to guide you through the confusion, inconsistency, and complacent to your fitness goals, comment or message me and let’s chat. I’m here for this and I won’t pressure you into anything.



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