When performing a barbell squat, the goal is to have your body in the best possible position to safely and efficiently push the weight. You should be pushing the weight through your hips, and this means that your torso will be more horizontal than you think it should be. The danger is from a rounded or unstable back, not a tight, flat back leaned forward. The bar should be moving in a straight line and remain over the middle of your foot. Here is how to do this:
Place the bar on the hooks at about the level where your chest and neck meet.
Step in front of the bar and position it to where it is touching your back just under the little “knob” you can feel below your neck. If you can’t get it that low, get as close as you can.
Grab the bar and grip it with your hands as close together as you can get them with your fingers and thumb wrapping over the bar. Your wrists should be neutral — not bent backward or forward. Keep them straight.
Assume a shoulder-width stance. Your heels should be shoulder-width apart, and your toes should be pointing outward about 30 degrees (11 and 1 on a clock).
Take a deep breath, stand up tall, unrack the bar, and step back to clear the hooks. Use your arms to “pin” the bar to your back, not hold it up.
Ensure toes are out and fix your eyes on the floor a few feet in front of you.
Take a deep breath and hold it like you are going push for a poop (but, please, don’t push) and begin the descent.
As you do this, remember four things: Butt back, knees out, chest pointing down, tight back.
As you descend, your knees should be moving in the direction that your toes are pointing, butt going backward, and chest pointing toward the floor.
Descend until your thighs are below parallel with the ground. Your hips and butt will be just lower than your knees.
When you get to the bottom of the movement, drive through the hips to push back up. Don’t let you knees cave, force them out. Don’t pause at the bottom, bounce out of it. Think about “pulling the ground apart” with your feet. This ensures that you have a stable base on which to squat.
Extend your legs all the way at the top of the lift, locking your knees. Let your breath out, take another, and repeat until you hit 5 reps.