I realized this week, to my shock, that despite having answered the question verbally numerous times, I've never written out what is actually needed for a decent home gym.
So, here it is.
Let me state first that this is for an optimal strength training plan. There are plenty of other options for at home workouts, but if you want the best and have the room and a little extra money to spend, this is the way to go.
I'll break it down into the essentials, the recommended, and the extras, with minimal details. If you have specific questions, message or comment, and I’m happy to help.
And please, for the love of all things holy, don’t buy all of this new unless you just like spending money. Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace are usually full of fitness stuff that’s just been collecting clutter in some dude’s garage for ten years.
ESSENTIALS (these are all you really NEED):
1. A power rack or squat rack with a pull-up bar and safeties. (People will tell you to get a nice name brand. I say who cares as long as it can handle the weight).
2. A barbell (Preferably a 7 ft Olympic barbell, which has a 2 inch hole, and be sure the “collars” spin).
3. Weight plates (Who cares what they look like, they just provide weight. Make sure the size of the hole matches the bar you purchased).
4. A weight bench (Of the four, this is the only piece I bought new. I did this because I wanted one that could both incline and handle a lot of weight, and those are rare. It is vital to look at the weight capacity of a bench because a lot of the cheaper ones have a low weight capacity. Realize that your body-weight is included in that number listed. So, if you’re 200 pounds and the weight capacity is 300, you can only bench with 100 pounds, which you’ll likely surpass rather quickly, and then need a new bench).
RECOMMENDED (these make things more efficient and convenient):
1. Clips (to hold the plates on the bar).
2. Something to deadlift on (deadlift platform, horse stall mats, etc. Basically, something just to avoid cracking your flooring).
3. A lifting belt (helps with stability and gives you something to push against).
4. Lifting shoes (helps get you into the right position on lifts and adds stability).
5. Chalk (reduces friction between your hands and the bar and improves grip. Particularly helpful on deadlifts).
EXTRAS (these are nice to have if you want):
1. A dip belt (to hang plates from and do tricep and chest dips, chinups, etc).
2. Two Olympic Dumbbells (best option to get dumbbell accessory work in without spending a mortgage or rent payment on adjustable ones or a full set. Here, you just change the plates like you do on the barbell. People think it looks silly when the plates get big, and I don’t care).
3. EZ Bar (so you can do tons of curls without as much strain on your wrists).
4. Cable setup (opens up more accessory options. Some power racks come with these or have the ability to add them on).
5. A large mirror (to check form in, not stare deeply into your own eyes while you lift, unless you just like that).
6. Decorative stuff (this seems out of place, but my poster of The Rock and strategically placed Star Wars ans wrestling figures set the vibe for me).
Let me know if you need any more help with this or need someone to teach you how to use it!