In my world, the question of how much protein a person needs comes up a good bit.
There's some advice out there, often pushed by people promoting a plant-based lifestyle (no hate if you're plant based, just stating who I see it coming from most) that a person only needs a little protein, around .36 grams per pound, each day.
This equates to 56ish grams for an average man and around 46 for an average woman.
These are indeed the numbers put out by the CDC.
But here's the thing that's often left out of this discussion: these numbers are for men and women leading a SEDENTARY lifestyle.
As in, they have a desk job and don't workout at all. So if that's you, carry on.
But, when you throw a proper strength training program in there, or, really, even an awful one, the science shows those numbers jumping up drastically to .8-1.2 grams per pound.
For those who have excess bodyfat and are on a strength program, you take that same .8-1.2 grams and apply it to lean body mass instead of total body weight. If you need help getting to that number, let me know.
If something sounds off, even if you recognize the source it's coming from as credible, dig a little deeper. There's likely info being left out to push someone's agenda.