Ever find yourself trying to work on something but struggling to focus?
Our brains have this tendency to best work on different types of tasks at certain times. I don’t know why, I just know it’s true.
The key here is this: Find the times that your brain works best for different types of work, and schedule yourself accordingly.
For example, I know that first thing in the morning, I do really well at knocking out tons of small tasks. I know this flies in the face of the whole “eat the big frog first” advice or whatever strange things people say, but I know my brain doesn’t work that way.
Stacking 15-20 small wins and checking the same number of tasks off my to-do list makes me feel supercharged for the rest of the day, and helps me not stress about a large number of tasks left to complete.
Then, around 11:00am, my brain seems to like getting into some deeper work. It’s almost like it’s now “warmed up.” This is when I write blogs and articles (check the time on this post), work on improving my business, etc.
After this, my mind needs a break, so this is when I get out and work on my furniture business. Finding cool pieces, fixing and cleaning, and delivering ones that have sold. The environment change helps a lot as well.
I save almost all of my in-person stuff (fitness classes, etc) until evening, because that’s when I’m most sociable.
I could share the rest of my schedule, but you get the idea.
It can take some time to figure it out, but find when your brain does what best and build your schedule around that, if you can.
And if you’d like a complete system for managing your time, well, it just so happens I have one! Let me know if you’re interested.